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  • Mahana Wine Glass - 600ml Mahana Wine Glass - 600ml

    Mahana Wine Glass - 600ml

    Elegant and generous, the 600ml Mahana Wine Glass is perfectly suited for serving aromatic red wines. The large bowl increases the surface area of the wine, encouraging more wine aromas to be released. This, combined with a delicate thin rim, creates an...

  • Pasadena Steel Bottle Pasadena Steel Bottle

    Pasadena Steel Bottle

    Modern 800ml single-wall, stainless steel drink bottle which has an extremely durable powder coated matt finish with a secure screw on natural bamboo lid. Pasadena offers a carry lid for easy transportation, it is BPA-free and laser engraves to a shiny...

  • Mirage Glass Bottle Mirage Glass Bottle

    Mirage Glass Bottle

    Sophisticated 650ml borosilicate glass drink bottle which features a secure screw-on stainless steel lid and silicone carry handle. Borosilicate is a lightweight glass that is exceptionally strong and shatter resistant. Glass is a natural choice for a...

  • Alchemy Glass Tumbler Alchemy Glass Tumbler

    Alchemy Glass Tumbler

    Stunning 450ml tumbler that is manufactured from lightweight borosilicate glass, which is exceptionally strong and shatter-resistant. It has a secure push-on natural bamboo lid with a stainless steel straw and a silicone seal. Alchemy has a non-slip...

  • Duke Bottle Duke Bottle

    Duke Bottle

    Sophisticated 800ml stainless steel drink bottle with a lacquered matt finish and a contoured design that ensures it is comfortable to hold for hands of all sizes. It has a secure screw on lid with a carry handle and a push-button activated drinking...

  • Solstice Glass Bottle Solstice Glass Bottle

    Solstice Glass Bottle

    Elegant 500ml borosilicate glass drink bottle which features a protective soft-touch silicone sleeve and a secure screw on natural bamboo lid. Borosilicate is a lightweight glass that is exceptionally strong and shatter-resistant. Glass is a natural...

  • Elixir Glass Bottle Elixir Glass Bottle

    Elixir Glass Bottle

    Stylish 600ml borosilicate glass drink bottle which has a secure screw on lid with a carry handle and a flip out drinking valve with a straw. Borosilicate is a lightweight glass that is exceptionally strong and shatter-resistant. Glass is a natural...

  • Nomad Bottle - 500ml Nomad Bottle - 500ml

    Nomad Bottle - 500ml

    Classic 500ml stainless steel drink bottle with the choice of three secure screw on lid styles. Nomad is BPA-free and laser engraves to a shiny steel finish, except for the stainless steel bottle which engraves to a natural etch. An optional gift box is...

  • Bambino Coffee Cup Bambino Coffee Cup

    Bambino Coffee Cup

    Stylish 450ml, ceramic coffee cup with a trendy bamboo outer wall that provides additional insulation and ensures the cup is a comfortable temperature to hold. Bambino features a push on lid with a sliding closure. It is BPA-free and is presented in a...

  • Cordia Vacuum Cup - Powder Coated Cordia Vacuum Cup - Powder Coated

    Cordia Vacuum Cup - Powder Coated

    Smart 300ml double wall, vacuum insulated stainless steel coffee cup with a timeless curved design and a stunning powder coated finish. It will keep drinks hot or cold for hours and has a transparent push on lid with a sliding closure. Cordia laser...

  • Aqua Bottle Aqua Bottle

    Aqua Bottle

    Stunning extra-large, 900ml drink bottle with a timeless design and a secure stainless steel screw on lid which provides a prominent branding opportunity. The bottle is manufactured from Tritan which is odour-resistant and BPA-free. This product is not...

  • Eden Glass Bottle - Neoprene Sleeve Eden Glass Bottle - Neoprene Sleeve

    Eden Glass Bottle - Neoprene Sleeve

    Sophisticated 600ml borosilicate glass drink bottle which has a soft insulating neoprene sleeve that keeps drinks cool for longer. It has a trendy screw on bamboo lid with a matching braided carry handle. Borosilicate is a lightweight glass that is...