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  • Voyager 600ml Bottle Voyager 600ml Bottle

    Voyager 600ml Bottle

    The Voyager 600ml Bottle is a reliable companion that you can take with you on all your adventures. Its aluminium construction ensures durability and long-lasting use, whether you’re on a hike, camping trip, or just commuting to work. The bottle’s...

  • Carnaby 500ml Tumbler Carnaby 500ml Tumbler

    Carnaby 500ml Tumbler

    The Carnaby 500ml Tumbler is your perfect eco friendly companion for your summer drinks on the go! These tumblers are made of BPA free, single-walled glass, with a removable stainless steel straw and tight seal bamboo lid to ensure no spillage. With a...

  • Organic 650ml Bottle Organic 650ml Bottle

    Organic 650ml Bottle

    The Organic Bottle is a environmentally and climate friendly. The cap is made from natural cork and the internal screw part is made from wheat straw. This product is environmentally friendly in addition to being stylish with its minimalistic design. The...

  • Vera 600ml Glass Bottle Vera 600ml Glass Bottle

    Vera 600ml Glass Bottle

    Our 600ml Vera Glass Bottle comes in a choice of 4 attractive colours options. All the coloured bottles are slightly sheer so if you want to decorate your water with some delicious fruit, it will still look stunning from the outside, and if not, your...

  • Renew Filter 480ml Drink Bottle Renew Filter 480ml Drink Bottle

    Renew Filter 480ml Drink Bottle

    480ml BPA free flexible water bottle with activated carbon filter system|delivers great taste and safe drinking water. Supplied with a carabiner and is ideal for hiking or travelling|fitting easily into backpacks|pockets or purses.

  • Stemless Shatterproof Red Wine Glass Stemless Shatterproof Red Wine Glass

    Stemless Shatterproof Red Wine Glass

    The Shatterproof Stemless Red Wine Glasses each have a capacity of 470ml (16oz) and are a perfect option for outdoor dining or picnics in the park. These stemless ‘glasses’ are not actually made from glass, but from polyethylene terephthalate (PET...

  • Stemless Shatterproof White Wine Glass Stemless Shatterproof White Wine Glass

    Stemless Shatterproof White Wine Glass

    The Shatterproof Stemless White Wine Glasses each have a capacity of 410ml (14oz) and are a perfect option for outdoor dining or picnics in the park. These stemless ‘glasses’ are not actually made from glass, but from polyethylene terephthalate (PET...

  • Stemless Shatterproof Champagne Glass Stemless Shatterproof Champagne Glass

    Stemless Shatterproof Champagne Glass

    The Stemless Champagne Glasses each have a capacity of 265ml (9oz) and are a perfect option for outdoor dining or picnics in the park. These stemless ‘glasses’ are not actually made from glass, but from polyethylene terephthalate (PET plastic) which...